Thursday, 31 March 2016

Buddy Class Fun

We really enjoyed reading and playing word and maths games with our Buddy Class J7.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Disappearing water

Today S5 played a trick on Mrs Taylor from the office.  We put some of a nappy inside, in a polystyrene cup and pretended it was empty.  We then put water in it but had to leave it for a while so it would swell.  We then poured it over her head but nothing came out.  The inside of a nappy is polymer and it absorbs water and swells like a jelly.

S5 had a fun science day

We Experimented with oil and water - the oil always goes to the top because the molecules are closer together in water making it heavier than the oil. 

Magnetic sand (volcanic) from Tarànaki

We loved playing with T.J's volcanic sand with magnets.

What is heavier - carbon dioxide, air or helium?

We loved the science roadshow that taught us that air - oxygen bubbles sink slowly, carbon dioxide bubbles sink quickly and helium ones flew up really high because helium is lighter than air and carbon dioxide is heavy.

Fun with Science

The Tahi and Rua teams  really enjoyed Science in a Van and heir lesson on gravity.  If the force working against gravity is stronger than the force of gravity then things can float or rise in the air.