Understanding the National Standards for Parents

The following charts show a basic guideline I have made up for parents to see where your child fits within the National Standards.  If you require more detailed guidelines I have added a 'Page' linking to the the Ministry of Education Numeracy Standards.

Expectations after 40 Weeks at School (end of 1 Yr)
(Level 12)

(Level 1Basic)

(Stage 1-2-3)
·      Enjoy reading and listening to reading
·      Read and use many high frequency words (Lists 1-4)
·      Understand & talk about stories they read.
·      Read aloud sounding like people talk.
·      Know all alphabet letter names and their sounds.
·      Draw, talk & write about their picture.

·      Use all letters & sounds of the alphabet to attempt the spelling of new words.
·      Write simple & some compound sentences joining sentences with ‘and, but, because.’
·      Spell & use many high frequency words. (Essential Word Lists 1-4)

·      Know ALL numbers in the range 0-50

·      Count forwards and backwards from ANY number in the range 0-50
·      Use mathematics vocabulary. E.g. in front of, behind, beside.
·      Know Basic Facts to 10
(3+ ? = 10, ? + 6 = 10) then up to 20.

Expectations after 80 Weeks at School (end of 2 Yrs)
Reading: (Level 17)

(Level 1Advanced)

(Stage 4)
·      Read many high frequency words (list 5-10)

·      Know letter sounds and can use known words to work out new words
(e.g. in/for/am)
·      Self-monitor: Fix up their mistakes as they read.
·      Read aloud with pace (like we talk) and expression.
Read to self silently.

·      Create a plan to show their ideas for writing.
·      Write simple & compound sentences using connecting words such as ‘like, because, then, however, also.’
·      Spell & use many high frequency words (Essential Word Lists 1- 6)

·      Write a variety of writing styles-e.g. recounts, narratives, explanations, information reports.

·      Know all numbers in the range 0-100.
·      Count forwards & backwards (and from ANY given number) 0-100
·      Skip-count forwards & backwards in 2’s, 5’s & 10’s. (2,4,6,8../ 20,15,10,5)
·      Add & subtract problems to 100.
·      Sort objects into common groups
·      Talk about their groupings attributes.
e.g. These all have 4 sides.

Expectations after 120 Weeks at School (end of 3 Yrs)
(Level 21)

(Level Basic)

(Early Stage 5)
·      Use pictures, word attack skills to work out unknown words

·      Notice when I make a mistake & fix it up, most of the time.
·      Find information in the story as well as information I get from reading between the lines. (Inference)

·      Talk about the meaning of the story and can relate my experiences to the story.

·      Writes ideas and thoughts in simple sentences with different beginnings and lengths.
·      Organise ideas into a beginning, middle and end paragraph.
·      Write for a range of purposes.
·      Use topic specific words.
·      Often correctly spell words

·      Uses and sounds out when spelling unknown words.
·      Uses punctuation correctly.

·      Explore patterns in numbers up to 1,000.
·      Solve problems by breaking numbers up and moving them around without counting. (36+9=40+5 )
·      Recall basic facts to solve problems.
(5 + 7 =?, 18 – 9 =? )
·      Measure objects & time

·      Talk about the reasons why an event is likely to happen or not
·      Organise objects & discuss what is different and the same about them
·      Explore fractions when sharing & exploring shapes & quantities.
·      Investigate & discuss a statistical topic.

Expectations at the end of Year 4
(Level 24)

(Level 2 Proficient)

(Stage 5)
·      Know what you like to read & be able to choose what’s right for you.
·      Understand what you are reading & be able to talk about the main ideas as well as ideas that are not so obvious.
·      Recognise & understand the information in different kinds of books and text types.
·      Read smoothly just as we talk.
·      Notice when you make a mistake in your reading and be able to fix it up to keep meaning.
·      Read to find information to answer questions about a topic.

·      Use your writing to think about, record & tell others about your experiences, ideas, opinions and to give information.
·      Write by yourself for different reasons.( to recall, explain, describe, report, inform, persuade)
·      Knows that the writing will be read by others, an audience

·      Read and change your writing to improve it. (Edit)
·      Notice mistakes & correct them in your writing. (Spelling, grammar, punctuation. (Proofread)

·      Publish your writing in many ways including computers, cameras, illustrations & diagrams.
·      Use a plan to organise your writing *Write a range of sentences of different lengths including some compound and complex sentences.
·      Use full-stops & capital letters correctly and try to use other punctuation (speech, question, exclamation marks.)
·      Spell all words in BRS Lists 1-9

·      Recognise numbers up to 1,000 & say how many 1’s, 10’s, and 100’s they have.

·      Know how to use 2,3,4,5 &10 times tables to solve problems.

·      Find fractions of shapes and numbers e.g. 1⁄2 of 30, 1/3 of 21

·      Make & continue patterns & explain the rule for the pattern. e.g. 4,7,10 + 3
·      Sort objects & describe how they have been grouped. (shape & size)
·      Choose how you can best measure length, area, volume, capacity, weight, temperature & time.

·      Use simple maps to show position & direction.

·      Talk about events that will or will not happen.

·      Make up questions to investigate then graph & discuss your findings.

Expectations at the end of Year 5
(Level 26)

(Level 3B)

(Stage 6)
·      Use a variety of ways / strategies to help me understand the meanings of new words. –context, pictures, diagrams, suffixes & prefixes, dictionaries  thesauruses, root words
·      Find information in a lot of different texts (skim, scan & identify key words.)
·      Use a range of comprehension strategies to help me understand the text (re-read, identify key words, main ideas, review illustrations, diagrams.)
·      Read chapter books for 30 minutes per night and understand what is happening in the text over several days.

·      Write for different purposes- to explain, inform, persuade.

·      Organise my ideas into a sequence that makes sense.
·      Use different types of sentences-some long, some short to add detail. (simple, compound, complex)

·      Show evidence that ideas are organised into paragraphs.
·      Publish using different tools and media.

·      Proofread and edit my writing by myself.

·      Recognise the place value of numbers from 0 to 1,000,000 and read and write any number in this range.
·      Recall ALL basic facts to 20 and solve multiplication problems using repeated addition. 8 + 9 = ?
7 +7 + 7+7 = 28

·      Recall groupings of 10’s within 4 digit numbers e.g. How many 10’s in 4259?
·      Split 2 digit numbers to help me solve addition & subtraction problems. e.g. 68 – 29 = 68-20-8-1 -?
·      Find fractions & of sets, shapes, and quantities. e.g. What is 1⁄4 of 16?

Expectations at the end of Year 6
(Level 28)
(Level 3 Proficient-3A)

(Stage 6)
·      Explain how I use ways to help me understand the meaning of new words I meet in the text.

·      Find information in a lot of different texts. ( I skim, scan, use topic sentences and identify key words.)
·      Use & explain how different comprehension strategies help to understand the text.

·      Check I am reading correctly by slowing down, re-reading & looking for important information when I get stuck.
·      Read fiction / non-fiction texts for 30 mins or more and understand what is happening in the story over several days.

·      Plan & write for different purposes & audiences using different planning tools to achieve the desired outcome. (Explain, Persuade, Inform.)
·      Organise similar ideas into paragraphs that each have a topic sentence & some supporting ideas.

·      Use different types of sentences, some long & short to add detail. (Simple, compound, complex.)
·      Publish using different tools & media.
·      Proofread & edit my writing by myself.

·      Recognise the place value of numbers from 0 to 1,000,000 & decimal numbers to the thousandths and read and write numbers in this range. e.g. 781,456.023
·      Recall ALL times tables & division basic facts & use them to solve problems that use all operations.
·      Recall groupings of 10’s & 100’s within 4 digit numbers. e.g. How many 100’s in the number 3498?
·      Split 3 digit numbers to help me solve addition & subtraction problems. e.g. 348 – 159 = 348-100- 48-11= ?
·      Find fractions & percentages of sets, shapes, and quantities. e.g. 4/5 x 75 =?

Expectations at the end of Year 7
Reading: (Level 30)

Writing: (Level 4B)

(Stage 7)
·      Read widely and frequently for enjoyment.

·      Read for along periods of time.
·      Locate information and ideas within a range of several texts.
·      Evaluate information and ideas from texts.

·      Look for clues left by the author and make connections in my head
·      Read between the lines or look at the hints given by the author

·      Find the important information in a text.
·      Form own opinions about ideas and events in the text

·      Work out the meanings of new and unfamiliar words by looking for clues around the words

·      Identify the author’s purpose for writing a text.

·      Deliberately chooses texts for the audience’s purpose.

·      Use graphic organisers to prepare a plan for writing.
·      Add details to writing by using effective words/ adjectives, adverbials and noun phrases.
·      Create compound and complex sentences by combining independent and dependent clauses and discuss the effects.
·      Craft and re-craft the text to ensure the purpose is achieved.
·      Proofread, self correct and make necessary changes consistently.
·      Use simple and attempt complex punctuations correctly

·      Order and sequence forwards and backwards before and after any number including decimals to the thousandths.
·      Order & sequence fractions 1⁄2 1/3, 1⁄4, 1/5, 1/10

.     Know factors of numbers to 100 including primes
·      Know how many 10’s are in 47,562, 100’s in 782,894, 1000’s in 2,785,671.

.    Know divisibility rules for 2-3-5-9.
·      Can add and subtract complex equations such as 34569- 24598.
·      Know the fraction, decimal & percentage conversions for half, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths.
·      Round whole numbers to two decimal places
6.49 = 6.5
·      Know the square roots to 100 e.g. the square root of 49 is 7.

Expectations at the end of Year 8
Reading: (Level 32+)

Writing: (Level 4P-4A)

(Stage 7-8)
·      Read widely for long periods of time.
·      Identify and evaluate the authors reason for writing the text.

·      Understand complex texts, themes and abstract ideas.

·      Identify and resolves issues raised in competing texts.

·      Infer meanings and make judgements from complex texts containing several layers of information.

·      Locate information and ideas within a range of texts.

·      Synthesize information and ideas within a range of texts.

·      Generate and answers questions to meet a specific learning purpose across the curriculum.

·      Deliberately chooses texts for the audience’s purpose.

·      Prepare a plan for writing.

·      Add rich language to writing by using effective words/ adjectives, adverbials and noun phrases.
·      Create compound and complex sentences by combining independent and dependent clauses and discuss the effects.

·      Craft and re-craft the text to ensure the purpose is achieved.

·      Proofread, self correct and make necessary changes consistently.
·      Ensure the writing is practically error free.
·      Use simple and attempt complex punctuations correctly.

·      Reflect and evaluate the power of the writing to meet the intended purpose.

·      Perform addition and subtraction for whole numbers and decimals in columns. e.g. 56789.123 + 68912.034
·      Know the divisibility rules for 2,3,4,5,6,8 and 10.
·      Know how to solve exponents. e.g. 3 to the power of 3.

·      Know the common factors to 100 including the highest or least common multiple.
·      Work out multiplication (including decimal) equations such as 56.80 ÷ 4
·      Multiply 3.6 x 0.75 and 7640 x 49 as an algorithm.
·      Order and sequence fractions, decimals and percentages.

·      Show the results of calculations such as 3⁄4 x 28

Leanne Adamson (June 2015)

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