Monday 29 February 2016

Our Circle of Friends

We all drew around the outline of our hands then decorated them.  Then we glued them together to make a Circle of Friends.  This represents that we are kind.  We share.  We care.  We look after each other.

Thursday 18 February 2016

What 'Growth Mindset" means to S5

We are learning that our belief in what we can do, is what drives our ability to learn new things.
S5 brainstormed and made the following poster after viewing some episodes on Growth Mindset

Monday 15 February 2016

Team Building

We had great fun doing some cool team building activities with the Nth Canty Sports coaches.

Sharing Ideas

We did an experiment with 5 empty plastic cups. We put dye into every second cup (blue, yellow and red) and then folded a paper towel  and put an end into each cup linking them together.  We were fascinated to see how the empty cups started to fill up with a new colour.  Yellow and red made orange, blue and red made purple, and blue and yellow made green.  We talked about the science aspects - colour mixing and saturation.

We also decided that this is what happens when we share ideas - we can make new and better ideas.

Watching out for germs

We have been looking at hygiene and why we need to wash our hands regularly.  We conducted an experiment with 3 slices of bread. 
The top slice was touched with my freshly washed hands.
The middle slice was touched with a child's unwashed hands
The bottom slice was touched by all the children

We were amazed at how mouldy the middle and especially the bottom slice have gone. This photo was on day 6.


In maths we are learning to read and interpret information on various graph types.

BBC Bitesize website is a great interactive graphing site for children

Create A Graph is also an excellent site.

Monday 8 February 2016

Read to Self

We are learning to Read To Self as part of Daily Five. 
- read quietly
- in one spot
- get started right away
- build stamina
- time to read  

Welcome to S5 2016

Welcome back to school!

We have been learning a card game called Salute.  Two children pick up a card and without looking at it they place it on their head so the other person can see it.  The 3rd player adds the totals and tells them.  The winner is the person who says the name of their card first.